Dave Chappelle Responds to Don Lemon Calling on Black Celebrities (VIDEO)

Dave Chappelle Responds to Don Lemon Calling on Black Celebrities (VIDEO)

Kathy Hutchins

photo credit: Kathy Hutchins // Shutterstock

Dave Chappelle has a new Netflix comedy special up on the streaming services Youtube page, entitled “8:46”, the amount of time Derek Chauvin had his neck on George Floyd’s neck.

In the special, as you can guess, Dave is addressing the current state of the country. Dave is no stranger to addressing racial issues in his comedy sets.

Since the killing of George Floyd and the rise of protests as a result, some people feel like more black celebrities should be speaking out. CNN’s Don Lemon is one of those people. In the new comedy special, Dave responds to Don, asking if people really care about what celebrities think at a time like this. In agreeance with Dave, there are people who are not looking to what celebrities think or feel at this moment. Those are not our community leaders. Are they black? Yes, so of course they should feel strong about what is happening to their people and their community, but do we all look at celebrities are “leaders”, no. They are simply entertainers.


Written by Clarke Jones

