NFL Commissioner Admits ‘We Were Wrong’ For Not Listening To Black NFL Players

NFL Commissioner Admits ‘We Were Wrong’ For Not Listening To Black NFL Players

Twin Design

photo credit: Twin Design // Shutterstock

With racism and racial inequality having a major light being shown on it now in our country and the world, the NFL Commissioner has admitted that the National League of Football was wrong for not listening to black NFL players before.

A league that once ostracized and condemned Colin Kaepernick for kneeling during the national anthem, which was a silent protest toward racial injustice in this country, is now saying they “encourage all players to speak out and peacefully protest.” Adding that “without black players, there would be no National Football league,” which is FACTS!

The Commissioner says he will be reaching out to players and members of the league to see how the organization can do better moving forward.


Written by Clarke Jones


