photo credit: Ga Fullner // Shutterstock
Mo’Nique is taking her problems with Netflix to the court room. The actress and comedian has just filed a lawsuit against Netflix for discrimination.
The suit accuses Netflix of race-based discrimination for how the negotiation process went for her comedy special. She states that Neflix offered Amy Schemer $11 million for an hour long stand-up special, but only offered Mo’Nique $500,000 for hers. An offer that was not accepted.
She’s also claiming Netflix has a severe lack of diversity, which contributes to their discriminatory practices. Specifically, she claims one Netflix exec., the Chief Communications Officer, used the n-word in a meeting with 60 people in 2018. Mo’Nique was not present for that meeting.
She uses the pay gap on the Netflix show, “The Crown” as an example to illustrate the discrimination. She says how the actress for Queen Elizabeth II was paid $14,000 per episode less than an actor who played Prince Philip. The gap was filled once there was a public outcry.
Mo’Nique is suing for unspecified damages, and for an injunction forcing the company to change its discriminatory policies.
Source: TMZ