The Average American Hasn’t Made A New Friend in 5 Years

The Average American Hasn’t Made A New Friend in 5 Years

By Monkey Business Images

photo credit: Monkey Business Images // Shutterstock

It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who hasn’t made any new friends in a while!

A study was done surveying 2,000 Americans and found that 45% of adults struggle to make new friends, with 42% of them saying they are too shy or introverted. About 81% says lasting friendships are hard to find. Majority of the surveyed individuals said they avoid the bar scenes, feeling like other friendship groups have already been formed and don’t need new friends.

Others reasons include commitments to family (29%), a lack of hobbies (28%) and moving to a new city (21%). Sixty-three percent of respondents said moving away was the most common reason for ending a friendship.

The study found that majority of adults hit their popularity peak at the age 23, the other 36% peak before the age of 21.

Forty-five percent of respondents said they would go out of their way to make new friends if they knew how or had more opportunities.

“For the 45 percent who are looking to make new friends, the best and most underrated way to do that these days is still in-person. You can host a party, or something more low-key like book club or happy hour, and tell each of your guests to bring a friend,” Piera Pizzo, Evite’s in-house party specialist told the New York Post. “You’ll be surprised at how naturally social circles can come together, and at the lasting connections you can make when bonding face-to-face.”

Respondents had an average of 16 existing friends, three of which were lifelong friends, five of which they would feel comfortable hanging out with one-on-one and eight that they consider friends, but would not spend time with alone.

Nearly half of the respondents have remained friends with people from high school, and 31 percent stating they still have friends from college.

Source: WNCT

