City of Chicago Demands $130K from Jussie Smollett

City of Chicago Demands $130K from Jussie Smollett

By Jamie Lamor Thompson

photo credit: Jamie Lamor Thompson // Shutterstock

City of Chicago is demanding $130,000 from Jussie Smollett. The Chicago Corporation Counsel sent off a letter to Jussie demanding he pay the $130k, which will cover overtime pay for cops who investigated the case, amongst other things.

The Corporation Counsel writes, “Over two dozen detectives and police officers participated in the investigation, ultimately spending weeks investigating your false claims.” The letter goes on to say they have the goods, saying, “The Chicago police investigation revealed that you knowingly filed a false police report and had in fact orchestrated your own attack.”

The city demands “immediate payment of the $130,106.15” within 7 days. If Jussie doesn’t pay up, the Corporation Counsel vows to “prosecute you for making a false statement under the Municipal Code of Chicago.” This will be separate from the criminal case that was just dismissed. He will not get jail time if he doesn’t pay but the city could go after him for more than $390,000. Thats 3 times the actual damages of $130,000. Th money could help the city fund a new judge or jury.

Jussie’s response was immediate and clear … a spokesperson told TMZ, “It is the Mayor and the Police Chief who owe Jussie an apology for dragging an innocent man’s character through the mud. Jussie has paid enough.”

Written by Clarke Jones

