No Students Allowed for South Central Playoff Game This Friday

No Students Allowed for South Central Playoff Game This Friday

This Friday undefeated 11-0 South Central High School of Pitt County will play their first game in the 4-A football state playoffs.  South
View high will travel to South Central to play them. All South Central students will not be allowed to attend the game.

This decision came from the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. Back on November 1 during one of the biggest games of the
year. South Central played and defeated DH Conley on the road at Conley. After the game, someone ran to the field and planted a South
Central flag in the field. South Central students jump onto the field which led to a brawl between students and DH Conley players.

It was determined that DH Conley players did not start the fight and Conley will not receive the same punishment. South Central administrators will determine who is a student at the game Friday night and enforce the ban.

If South Central wins Friday, students will be allowed to the rest of the home playoff games.

Written By: Keith Combs

