LeBron James Is Now 5th on the All-Time Scoring List!

LeBron James Is Now 5th on the All-Time Scoring List!

By Kathy Hutchins

photo credit: Kathy Hutchins // Shutterstock

LeBron James has just passed Wilt Chamberlain as one of the NBA’s all-time scorers, becoming number 5 of the list.

On Wednesday night’s game against the Raptors, James dropped a game-high of 44 points, leading the Lakers to their fourth straight win. During the game, James hit a free throw that brought it total number of points scored to 31,420 points. James comes behind Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Karl Malone and number 1, with 38,387 points, Kareem Adbul-Jabbar.

Congrats to the King!

