Casanova Indicted for Robbery After Alleged Attack on Woman in Diner

Casanova Indicted for Robbery After Alleged Attack on Woman in Diner

By Jamie Lamor Thompson

photo credit: Jamie Lamor Thompson // Shutterstock

Last month, a woman accused rapper Casanova and his crew of allegedly attacking her in a diner, leaving her with a broken jaw, loose tooth, and multiple stitches.

The woman claims she was eating at the diner, when she decided to share her food on Instagram Live with her followers, something ladies love to do. Casanova assumed her was in her Live, even though she reassured him he was not in the frame at all. At that point, a member of Casanova’s crew allegedly put her in a headlock and dragged her out the booth, leaving her mouth bloody, while Casanova snatched her phone and deleted the Live video.

On Wednesday, Casanova was indicted on charges of robbery for taking the woman’s phone and coercion for instilling fear into the victim. Casanova did turn himself in, but denied putting his hands on the woman and accused her of lying for media attention and financial gain.

Casanova’s accomplice Bobby Williams has been charged with strangulation for putting the girl in a headlock. The rapper is currently in out on bail. He is due back in court in 2 months.

