Drake Visits 11-Year-Old Heart Patient…After Seeing Her ‘Kiki Challenge’

Drake Visits 11-Year-Old Heart Patient…After Seeing Her ‘Kiki Challenge’


Photo Credit: Twocoms // Shutterstock

Drake loved one little girl’s “Kiki Challenge,” because he made it to visit her in Chicago. Drake stopped by the Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago Monday to meet 11-year-old Sofia Sanchez – who turned 11 on Saturday. Her birthday wish was to meet Drake.

She was noticed by many when she posted her “In My Feelings” dance video, just weeks after undergoing open heart surgery and waiting for a heart transplant. According to ABC 7, Sophia invited Drake to her 11th birthday party held at the children’s hospital.

In her video to drake Sophia says, “I just had surgery three week ago. The surgery was to help my heart pump. I love your music and I was hoping that you could come and sheer me up for my birthday.” Her wish was granted on August 20 because Drake showed up to the hospital.

During Drake’s visit, he said he and Sophia talk about so many things, her love of cheerleading and their shared interests (Justin Bieber, owls, and basketball). They even talked about her GoFundMe page.


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Me and my love Sofia talking about Bieber and Owls and Basketball💙💙💙

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Written By: Fantasia Harvey

