Drama! Nicki Minaj and Safaree Get Into A Nasty Argument!

Drama! Nicki Minaj and Safaree Get Into A Nasty Argument!


Photo Credit: JStone // Shutterstock

Nicki Minaj has embarked on a loaded media tour in support of her Queen album all across New York City. On Monday (Aug. 13) Nicki had an interview and while she was talking her ex-boyfriend Safaree name was thrown into the mix in connection with ghost-writing claims as Nicki dissected their troubled relationship.

The problem then spilled over to Twitter, as Nicki and Safaree have now aired out one another through numerous messy claims. Nicki was still not having it. She accused Safaree of stealing her card – again – and called him out for having a fake hairline. Safaree then came back to Twitter to say Nicki’s lying and offers up emails as proof.

Check out Safaree and Nicki tweets below.

Written By: Fantasia. H

