Court Clerk Asks Meek Mill for Money & Causes An Investigation

Court Clerk Asks Meek Mill for Money & Causes An Investigation

Randy Miramontez

photo credit:  Randy Miramontez // Shutterstock

Well it looks like is now a whole investigation going on surrounding the Philly courts.

A clerk in the courthouse where Meek Mill is battling for freedom, slide him a note during his probation violation hearing asking for money. The woman explains how her son needs money for his college tuition, and told TMZ she only gave Meek the note because they are both from Philly and take care of their own.

The clerk says the judge, who has had a few allegations herself, in Meek’s case had no idea about the note, but an investigation has still been triggered. The judge has already been accused of trying to get Meek to give her a shout out on a song and she tried to have Meek sign a business deal with a friend of hers.

This is getting interesting..


