Texting Tool Launched in NC for Parents to Access Food For Children

Texting Tool Launched in NC for Parents to Access Food For Children

photo credit: Andrew Angelov // Shutterstock

Gov. Roy Cooper has announced an app that parents who need food assistance for their children can use.

All parents need to do is text FOODNC to 877-877 to locate nearby free meal sites. The service is also available in Spanish by texting COMIDA to 877-877.

After entering the address, parents will receive a text with the location and serving times for nearby pick-up and drive-thru free meal sites while schools are closed.

Parents can also call 2-1-1 to speak with an operator who will help them locate meal sites in their community.

The 2-1-1 service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and services are provided in English, Spanish, and many other languages.

No Kid Hungry has created a map of local school sites, community organizations and food assistance programs across North Carolina where families can access food.

The interactive map can be viewed at nokidhungrync.org/covid19/ and is updated daily.

Source: WNCT

