Brett Kavanaugh Live Stream of Sexual Assault Case (WATCH LIVE)

Brett Kavanaugh Live Stream of Sexual Assault Case (WATCH LIVE)

By Cory Seamer

photo credit: Cory Seamer // Shutterstock

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is currently being questioned for sexual assault that occurred when he was in high school. His accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford will testify today about what happen that night. After sharing her story, she will then be questioned. The same process will then happen with Kavanaugh, he will be able to tell his story and then questioned.

The hearing will last for a few hours and then there will be 3 options on what to do. Voting to recommend confirmation of Kavanaugh and then sending the matter to the full Senate for a vote, voting to reject Kavanaugh and sending it to the full Senate, or not voting at all and sending the matter to the full Senate.

The Washington Post states that, this is not a trial. This is a job interview for Kavanaugh to be on the supreme court.

