A Lawmaker of Michigan Wants to Make it a Felony to Call Police on Black People Living Their Lives

A Lawmaker of Michigan Wants to Make it a Felony to Call Police on Black People Living Their Lives

Photo Credit:  Bennian // Shutterstock

It is about time someone wants to make this happen. A lawmaker of Michigan wants to make it illegal to call 911 and falsely report a person minding their business and based on their race.

According to the Grio, “State Rep. LaTanya Garrett is fed up with the unnecessary police calls on people of color that has polarized the country. So she introduced a bill in the Michigan Legislature on Wednesday, that would turn those racist calls into a crime, the Detroit Free Press reports.”

LaTanya also says, “Being a black woman having a black husband for 10 years and having three black children, I’m always worried about their safety.” Detroit has been trying to get things under control. Police Chief James Craig states, “If it’s something that doesn’t rise to the level of a criminal matter, that becomes more of a civil issue. We’re not going to agents for discriminatory treatment.”

A New York senator is also on board. The senator is trying to propose that making a call to the police on innocent black people a hate crime.

We have to start from somewhere!

Source: The Grio

Written BY: Fantasia Harvey

