NRA Chief Says the Solution is Armed Security Guards on School Campuses

NRA Chief Says the Solution is Armed Security Guards on School Campuses

By Keith Homan

photo credit: Keith Homan  // Shutterstock

The talk of gun control is back after the recent shooting in Florida. The survivors and parents feel the NRA, National Rifle Association, is partly to blame for the incident, being that they feel so strongly about their rights to guns and pay politicians to keep guns around.

The NRA chief, Wayne LaPierre, has decided to speak out, and his solution to the gun problem is to have armed security guards on the campuses of schools. LaPierre argues that Democrat want to “make you, all of you, less free,” by putting more restrictions on guns. He feels we do not need new guns laws, we should just enforce existing ones, allowing us to keep our second amendment right to bear arms.

LaPierre also went on to partly blame the FBI for not following better protocol when first being made aware of Nikolas Cruz, the Florida shooter. The NRA has made it known that they support a few of Trump’s ideas to arm teachers who receive special training and to raise the minimum age of purchase of assault rifles.

Written by Clarke Jones


