Parents Boycott “Peter Rabbit” Movie After Food Allergy Bullying Scene

Parents Boycott “Peter Rabbit” Movie After Food Allergy Bullying Scene

lev radin

photo credit:  lev radin // Shutterstock

I know many children were excited for the release of Peter Rabbit, and parents seemed excited too, until they saw the food allergy bullying scene.

In the movie, the character of Mr. McGregor is allergic to blueberries. The rabbits began throwing blueberries at him, knowing that he is allergic to them, forcing Mcgregor to use his EpiPen. Parents have called for a boycott of the movie, saying it makes light of the important of food allergies.

The studio and filmmakers say that they, “Sincerely regret not being more aware and sensitive to this issue, and we truly apologize.”

